
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thinking Big - TED inspiration


  1. Hi Jackie,

    I'm in awe of the bigness, not only of her sculptures but of her ideas and the vast network of professionals that she works with and all the places in the world that call for her creativity. It's awe-some.

    Hey, so it's interesting how I found your site. I was previewing a blog post I just wrote and I saw all these links to my post from one site, something that I had never seen before. There must have been like 15 or 20 of them, and I figured it was probably a Blogger glitch, because it only showed in Preview form but not on the actual published page. And I can't even reproduce the glitch now. But I decided to check out the site anyway, because I don't believe in coincidences. And I looked at your art, which is amazing, but I couldn't figure out why the Blogger glitch linked our sites, until I saw that my site is on your sidebar! I'm Happy Moonmoon!

    You never know who's reading your blog and it's wonderful to discover it so "coincidentally".

    Thank you. :) And it's nice to meet you in Blog Land.

  2. My name is Elisa, by the way. :)


Thanks for stopping by!! Love to read your comments - whether on vintage thrifting or creative stitching!! (Comments are moderated due to high spam lately - sorry!)


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