Lookeee lookee! It's all pulling together with the Glamping fabric table topper.
I cut a centered medallion from my old damask table cloth to use as the background in the middle of the table topper. The dresden circles and fans are pinned in position.
Since my Glamping charm pack had a predominance of pink squares - I've balanced their appearance on each side using half square triangles in a pink-green-blue-pink pattern.
I love the secondary cross pattern that blinks in and out of obvious-ness.
Even the half square triangles in the stronger colors as they're positioned here, remind me of tents - how camping is that??
I've trimmed up all my squares to exact 4.5" - I'm almost ready to seam them together - but see a few positioning tweaks to do.
And what will I feature in the corners? White background I'm sure about - do they need another dresden fan/ or a petite yoyo/rosette centered?
Then it's on to borders, binding and backing.
OH! speaking of backing - look what's in my stash...a vintage-y border print that might just work. It's a heavier weight though. Curtains would be great in this almost barkcloth textured print.
Hmm - musn't forget about the center of the dresdens too. Cover with an applique or edge with binding?
Decisions, decisions! All fun.
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LOVE THIS!! I saw it on the Sew Darn Crafty linky party. I would add a yoyo in each corner and bind the center of the dresden... but it might tie it together if you put a yoyo(s) in the center of the dresden...