
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Even Tuesday - Color Layering

Tuesdays - a set aside time where I make an effort to work on creative things. Odd Tuesday's typically with friends of the artistic type, Even Tuesday's for my own delight.

Inspired by the latest Quilting Arts magazine (Aug/Sept 2011) with a focus on surface design. This is my version of the disperse dye process that Marie-Therese Wisniowski detailed in her article "New Landscapes".

I'm all about the thrifty when trying new things. At a garage sale I had picked up a teacher's pack of Crayola fabric crayons (a dozen packages) so I have ample to play with. (Holly Brackmann's Disperse Dye workshop I took a few summers ago - she alerted us to the other disperse dye products beyond the ones to mixup from scratch). And since these products work on synthetic fabrics - out came a hunk of polyester sheers from the storage closet.

The process is simple - color with the crayons on paper - iron the paper on to your fabric. That's it.
The fun part comes in the layering. Transparent colors mix in interesting ways when placed on top of each other. Marie-Therese suggests working from light to dark in layers, and using plant materials as resists. I substituted paper cutouts.

The other surprise is how the rather dull crayon colors iron into vibrant brights on the fabric. It's with the layering that subtleties of color can be achieved.

So much more to play with!!

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