
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I've been tagged... Kelly of colorfuldayz to list 7 obscure facts about myself. Thanks, Kelly. Let's see what I can come up with.

1) I have, in scrapbooks, every birthday card I've ever received from birth to age 18. (thanks Mom!) It's quite enjoyable to view the card style changes through the years and to try to remember all the senders.

2) I have a very limited sense of smell. I bring in "guest noses" to help me determine any wisps of scent I can't locate or identify in the house.

3) I hate making phone calls. An introvert by nature, and prone to frozen brain syndrome, I often leave panicked babble on answering machines.

4) I watch and enjoy too much reality TV - Survivor, Project Runway, Top Design. Not any of the dating shows, mostly the competition/design shows.

5) A lover of Where's Waldo books in the past, is my favorite source for those hidden picture mystery games.

6) My favorite time of day is morning - earlier the better. (well, before 5am is probably pushing it!)

7) I used to ride a motorcycle to work. Enjoying stomping around in my boots through the office. Never did quite solve the helmet hair look!! And frequent rains made it quite impractical.

Stay tuned to see who gets tagged next! Or if you haven't played yet - consider yourself tagged.

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